UNEB is holding the results of over one thousand students because of alleged exam malpractice. No body knows the truth behind this allegation BUT to a greater extent it is true; some schools aid their students to cheat, REASON BEING making newspapers headlines forgetting that they are preparing someone to suffer. How will the young person know that something is done the way people do if you do it for them? TEENS MEDIA GROUP has moved to schools, met students, teachers, directors and principals and shared the important of hard work with these stakeholders. MY OWN TESTIMONY: I studied in i don't know which world school because it is a hundred miles far away from even third world. But even from the dilapidated structure , i was able to raise aggregate seventeen only. What would i get if i was helped by an invigilator to write an answer? What will my aggregate be if my director served the invigilators with hot milk and send his teachers to the exam hall through the windows? Which news paper would fail to search for my un-noticed school if my teachers walked through the exam hall telling people..NUMBER 22......then EVERYONE RUNS TO 22.

AND IF I MAY ASK. Would i be able to understand the concepts i am facing now. TEACHERS, DIRECTORS AND ALL YOU WHO THING you are doing those teens a favour by cheating for them, forgive those babies because they will grow up believing and worshiping the principal of hand to mouth. they will not know the value of hard work and above all they will kill you first to take away your hard earned gains. You will employ them and your companies will not get any contract, they will be marketeers and sale nothing, they will be doctors who will fail to operate you and finally they will be engineers who will build houses that will collapse and bury you!
ALL I AM SAYING IS DON'T HELP THEM CHEAT! YES! Teach them how to prepare for exams, let them appreciate and adopt the culture of handwork, show them how to deal with exam questions; failure to do that parents will waste their money as teachers will waste their resources in training them to be the society's outcasts!
GIRA Emmanuel
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